Source: lib/parse.js

/** @module */
'use strict'

var getSnippet = require('./getSnippet'),
	parseValue = require('./parseValue'),
	emptyRegex = /^[ \t]*$/,
	headerRegex = /^(#+)(?: (.*))?$/

 * @typedef {Object} Value
 * @global
 * @property {string} type - always 'value'
 * @property {?string} content - the original content, only present for the first value in the tree
 * @property {number} line
 * @property {number} size - number of lines
 * @property {string} subtype - one of: 'array', 'object', 'mixin', 'js', 'compiled', 'function'
 * @property {?Array<Value>} elements - present for subtype 'array'
 * @property {?boolean} isUnordered - present for subtype 'array'
 * @property {?Array<{name: string, value: Value}>} keys - present for subtype 'object'
 * @property {?string} base - present for subtype 'mixin'
 * @property {?Array<string>} removals - present for subtype 'mixin'
 * @property {?Array<{name: string, value: Value}>} additions - present for subtype 'mixin'
 * @property {?string} code - present for subtype 'js'
 * @property {?function(Object):*} run - present for subtype 'compiled'
 * @property {string} args - present for subtype 'function'
 * @property {string} body - present for subtype 'function'

 * @typedef {Object} Code
 * @global
 * @property {string} type - always 'code'
 * @property {string} language
 * @property {string} content - the code block content
 * @property {number} line
 * @property {number} size - number of lines

 * @typedef {Object} Text
 * @global
 * @property {string} type - always 'text'
 * @property {string} content - the paragraph content
 * @property {number} line
 * @property {number} size - number of lines

 * @typedef {Object} Section
 * @global
 * @property {string} type - always 'section'
 * @property {string} content - the original content
 * @property {number} line
 * @property {number} size - always 1
 * @property {string} name
 * @property {Array<Section|Text|Value>} children

 * Parses the source
 * @param {string} source
 * @returns {Section}
module.exports = function (source) {
	// Split in lines
	var lines = source.split(/\r?\n/),
		// Current section
		section = {
			type: 'section',
			name: '',
			line: 1,
			size: 1,
			children: []
		// sectionStack[sectionStack.length - 1] === section
		sectionStack = [section],
		line = 1,

	// First line must be a header level 1
	if (!lines.length) {
		throwSyntaxError('Empty file')
	} else if (!(match = lines[0].match(headerRegex)) || match[1] !== '#') {
		throwSyntaxError('The file must start with a level 1 header')
	section.content = lines[0] = match[2] || ''

	// Parse flags:
	// Whether the next block should not amend the previous
	var newBlock = true,
		// Whether we're processing lines inside a code block
		isCode = false

	// Pre parse each line, without filling text content or parsing values
	for (line = 2; line <= lines.length; line++) {
		var str = lines[line - 1]

		if (isCode && str === '```') {
			// End of code block
			isCode = false
			newBlock = true
		} else if (isCode) {
		} else if (str.substr(0, 3) === '```') {
			// Start a code block
			isCode = true
		} else if (emptyRegex.test(str)) {
			newBlock = true
		} else if ((match = str.match(headerRegex))) {
			takeHeader(str, match[1].length, match[2])
		} else if (str[0] === '\t') {
			// Value
		} else if (!/\s/.test(str[0])) {
			// Text
		} else {
			throwSyntaxError('Invalid line. Are you using tabs?')

	if (isCode) {
		throwSyntaxError('Unterminated code block')

	// Gather text content and parse values
	var finalParse = function (section) {
		section.children.forEach(function (child) {
			if (child.type === 'section') {
			} else if (child.type === 'text' ||
				child.type === 'value' ||
				child.type === 'code') {
				var sliceStart = child.line - 1,
					sliceEnd = child.line + child.size - 1,
					subLines = lines.slice(sliceStart, sliceEnd)
				if (child.type === 'text') {
					child.content = subLines.join('\n')
				} else if (child.type === 'code') {
					child.language = subLines[0].substr(3)
					child.content = subLines.slice(1, -1).join('\n')
				} else if (child.type === 'value') {
					child.content = subLines.join('\n')

					// Remove starting tab character
					parseValue(child, (e, i) {
						return {
							line: child.line + i,
							str: e.substr(1)
					}), throwSyntaxError)

	return sectionStack[0]

	 * An empty line forces two consecutives text (or value) blocks to be split
	 * In any other situation, it has no special meaning
	 * @private
	function takeEmptyLine() {
		newBlock = true

	 * Process a new header, creating a new section
	 * @param {string} content
	 * @param {number} level
	 * @param {?string} name
	 * @private
	function takeHeader(content, level, name) {
		var currLevel = sectionStack.length

		if (level > currLevel + 1) {
			throwSyntaxError('Unexpected header level ' + level + ' on section level ' + currLevel)
		} else if (level === 1) {
			throwSyntaxError('There can be only one header level 1, the first line of the file')

		// Walk out
		sectionStack.length = level - 1

		// Create section
		section = {
			type: 'section',
			name: name || '',
			line: line,
			size: 1,
			content: content,
			children: []
		sectionStack[sectionStack.length - 1].children.push(section)

	 * Throw a syntax error in the current position
	 * @param {string} message
	 * @param {number} [errorLine=line]
	 * @param {number} [size=1]
	 * @throws {SyntaxError}
	 * @private
	function throwSyntaxError(message, errorLine, size) {
		errorLine = errorLine === undefined ? line : errorLine
		size = size === undefined ? 1 : size
		var snippet = getSnippet(source, errorLine, size),
			err = new SyntaxError(message + '\n' + snippet)
		err.line = errorLine
		throw err

	 * Append the current line to the last block with the given type,
	 * or create a new one
	 * @param {string} type
	 * @private
	function appendLine(type) {
		var len = section.children.length
		if (newBlock ||
			!len ||
			section.children[len - 1].type !== type) {
				type: type,
				line: line,
				size: 1
		} else {
			section.children[len - 1].size += 1
		newBlock = false