
API Lift

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Create a ready-to-go express router for a REST API with filters, input validation, output checking, versioning, automatic routes and logging.

See on npm


npm install api-lift --save

Important note

This module is built on top of express and lift-it and is meant to be very opinionated.


Stable, missing some docs


This module is locked down by some strong assumptions:

  • The routes are created and named after the files in the file system
  • The endpoints are to be implemented as supported by lift-it. See details in section "Endpoint handler"
  • All routes only answer POST requests. All input and output is JSON
  • Standard output for success: {failure:null}, for error: {failure:{code:Number,message:String}}


Okay, after complying to all the rules outlined above, you get:

  • Filters, input validation, output checking and profiling (by lift-it)
  • Versioning: don't break old consumers and yet let the API evolve
  • Logging: simple logging interface to connect to any logging solution (like log-sink)


var apiLift = require('api-lift')

var api = apiLift({
    // All options are optional :P
    // The default values are described bellow
    // Some are not configurable and can not be changed,
    // those are listed only for your information

    // Options for `lift-it`
    folder: './api',
    profile: false,
    errorClass: apiLift.APIError, // <-- can't be changed
    enableErrorCode: true, // <-- can't be changed
    // Custom lift-it plugins to use
    plugins: [],

    // Options for validate plugin of `lift-it`
    validate: {
        // Use the plugin defaults

    // Options for validate plugin of `lift-it`
    validateOutput: {
        direction: 'output', // <-- can't be changed
        exportName: 'outFields',
        optional: true,
        getDefaultValue: function () {
            return {}
        code: 100,
        errorHandler: function (action, value, err) {
            throw err
        options: {
            strict: true

    // Options for filters plugin of `lift-it`
    filters: './filters',

    // Options for this module
    minVersion: 1, // the min version to support
    dataScrub: [/session|password|serial|token/i], // describe fields to hide in the body
    onsuccess: function (response, runInfo, body, endpoint) {
        // Called right before a request is answered with success
        // `response` is the JSON object to send
        // `runInfo` carries data about the execution
        // `runInfo.req` is the express request object (if routed with express)
        // `runInfo.requestId` a unique identifier for this execution
        // `runInfo.beginTime` is the value of when the request was received
        // `runInfo.profileData` is the profile data (if enabled)
        // `body` is the cleaned (see bellow) JSON input
        // `endpoint` is the instance of the executed Endpoint
    onfailure: function (response, runInfo, body, endpoint, error) {
        // Called right before a request is answered with error
        // `response`, `runInfo`, `body` and `endpoint` behave the same as onsuccess
        // `endpoint` may be undefined if the error is not linked to any
        // `error` is the original error object

// `api.router` is an express router object
// You can, for example:
var app = // see note bellow about
app.use('/api', api.router)

This module uses express internally to create the router object. To avoid compatibility problems, it's adviced to use the same lib this module is using. This is exported as require('api-lift').express

The parameter body given to onsuccess and onfailure has properties matching one of the regular expressions in dataScrub scrubbed (even in deep objects and arrays). This is meant to make it log-safe. Example: {password: '123456'} becomes {password: '[HIDDEN]'}

Returned value

The return of apiLift() call is an instance of API. Its properties are:

  • {express:Router} router: an express Router instance
  • {number} minVersion: the minimum supported version
  • {number} maxVersion: the maximum supported version
  • {Array<string>} versions: The list of supported versions, ordered from oldest to newest. Example: ['v3', 'v4']
  • {Array<Endpoint>} endpoints: the list of available endpoints
  • {Object<Endpoint>} endpointByUrl: a map from url to an Endpoint instance

If you are not interested in the router, but in the returned meta-data (like max version), use instead:

var apiLift = require('api-lift')

var info ={
    // The default values are described bellow
    folder: './api',
    minVersion: 1

info.maxVersion // a number

Generated Doc

All public methods and properties are described in the generated docs


This module aims to make endpoint versioning very simple, pragmatic and source-control friendly. The system only cares about backwards-incompatible changes, that is, MAJOR changes (as defined by semantic versioning).

By default (options.minVersion), all endpoints start at version 1. That is, a file in the path api/user/create.js is served at the url /v1/user/create. If a breaking change is to be made in this endpoint, the API version must be bumped to 2. To do this, the current file is copied to api/user/create-v1.js and new changes can be freely applied to the current api/user/create.js file. The new url will be /v2/user/create and will be mapped to the current file. The old url will keep working and will point to the old v1 file. Any other endpoint that hasn't been changed will be served equally in v1 and v2. Magic!

Note that the v1 file is like a snapshot. From the point of view of a revision control system (like git), the file has evolved linearly: no move/rename or any other trick (like symlinks).

After some time, the support for version 1 may be dropped, by increasing the minVersion option and removing old v1 files.

Complete example

For the following files in the api folder:


Assuming minVersion is 1, those endpoints will be created:

    /user/create -> api/user/create-v2.js
    /user/findbyname -> api/user/findbyname-v1.js
    /user/getinfo -> api/user/getinfo.js
    /user/create -> api/user/create-v2.js
    /user/getinfo -> api/user/getinfo.js
    /user/create -> api/user/create.js
    /user/getinfo -> api/user/getinfo.js

The file api/user/getinfo.js is available in all versions. api/user/create-v2.js is the snapshot for v1 and v2, api/user/create.js is used in v3. api/user/findbyname-v1.js is the snapshot for v1 only and is not available in next versions.

Run Info

While processing the request, process.domain.runInfo is an express request instance. req.requestId is a string, unique for each request. As a result, in any async process created by the request, process.domain.runInfo.requestId can be used. Useful for logs, for example.



Endpoint handler


Error codes